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Advocacy Tools

Thank you for helping us get the word out that screenings and self-management are important tools for successfully managing lifelong health! Together we can make a difference.

Our Guide to Success

Our guide contains all of the information you need to help improve your outreach to friends and supporters, links to suggested content and how and where to share.

Sign Up for Our Social Media

Follow us on your social platforms to get new ongoing tools to support your community.

2023 Diabetes Awareness Campaign

Download our Diabetes Awareness campaign images and videos and post on your personal social media platforms to share encouraging tools and tips with your friends, family and colleagues about ways to take small steps to better health.

Past Advocacy Posts and flyers

Download our posts to share on social media and our flyers to hang at venues in your local neighborhood. Don’t forget to get permission to hang flyers or leave cards in advance to share news about health and wellness with your neighbors.

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