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DAY CAMP, SLEEP-AWAY CAMP OR FAMILY CAMP – THEY’RE ALL a wonderful summer experience!

The Diabetes Foundation Campership Program provides full or partial scholarships for New Jersey families to send their child to Camp Nejeda, a summer camp exclusively for kids living with type 1 diabetes.

This unique camp experience not only provides an opportunity for campers to bond with other kids living with diabetes, but it also prepares and educates them to learn self-management skills they can use for their lifetime.

If you are a New Jersey resident interested in diabetes camp for your child, you can apply for the Diabetes Foundation’s Campership program. All interested applicants must complete an application in full which includes registration information.

Camperships are full for the season. If you are interested in the opportunity for next season please fill out the form below:

We have dedicated English and Spanish-speaking specialists standing by to help.
Get in touch with us today:

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