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Heart Disease and Stroke

Diabetes is a leading cause of heart attack and stroke in the United States if blood sugar goes unmanaged. Knowing the facts can help support your health.

diabetes foundation heart disease and stroke

Diabetes Foundation’s mission is to improve the health and wellness of individuals living with or at-risk of diabetes through equitable, accessible, compassionate, high-quality care.

Heart Attack and Stroke

Diabetes may increase your risk of heart disease. High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and/or high triglycerides contribute to your risk. A heart attack is when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is severely cut off. Arteries become blocked or narrowed by the buildup of fat and cholesterol which become plaque. A stroke occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen to the brain is either blocked or bursts. The brain cells die from lack of blood flow.

Talking with your cardiologist or primary doctor and keeping your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels within your doctor’s recommended target range while also managing your blood glucose levels may help to decrease your risk of having a heart attack and stroke.

To learn more about prevention and management go to and

Know Your Risk. Get Screened.

Knowing for sure is the first step to better health. Take a minute and take the prediabetes risk test now to see where you stand.

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